Researchers, academics, practitioners, students, and all professionals around the world interested or involved in group decision making and decision support are welcome to submit their work to the conference. In addition, all EWG-DSS members and collaborators from other EURO WGs and DSS Communities, and all GDN members and collaborators from other INFORMS sections, who have consistently contributed to the research in the Group Decision and Negotiation and Decision Support Technology, are highly encouraged to submit their papers and participate in the conference.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, decision theory, systems theory, participatory and collaborative methodologies, technological tools (from design to implementation), societal and behavioural perspectives, and applications and case studies.
The topics are organized in two major groups, according to the interests of the two groups, as listed below. For GDN, there are conference streams available.
1. Technology as a support tool
- Multicriteria decision-making
- Modelling and simulation using software agents
- Machine learning
- Multi-agent systems
- Virtual worlds and environments
- Decision support systems: advances and future trends
- Multi-attribute and multi-criteria decision making
- Human-computer interaction
- Big data analytics and data science: data and text mining.
- Knowledge management, acquisition, extraction, visualisation and decision making
- Machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence
- Trustable and reliable automated systems
- Humanizing artificial intelligence
2. People as active participants
- Behavioral aspects of group decision and negotiation
- Decision and negotiation analysis
- Conflict analysis and resolution
- Game theory and social choice
- Collaborative decision making and collaborative information technologies
- Users’ empowerment through collaborative platforms
- Group support systems
- Negotiation support systems
- E-negotiation platforms and systems
- Interaction of human and software agents
- Social network analysis for decision-making
- New methods and technologies for global crisis management
- Immersive analytics for decision-making
GDN conference streams are:
2.1 Conflict Resolution
2.2 Negotiation Support Systems and Studies
2.3 Preference Modeling for Group Decision and Negotiation
2.4 Collaborative Decision Making
2.5 Network Analysis of Decisions in Groups
2.6 Responsible NSS in the age of Generative AI
2.7 Risk evaluation and negotiation strategies