The organization of the conference will join representatives from the GDN and the EWG-DSS groups, plus local committees from FEUP. The conference will have the support of Instituto para a Construção Sustentável, CITTA – Research Centre for the Territory Transports and Environment, and INESC TEC – Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science.

The conference will be represented by GDN and EWG-DSS members, and by local professors and researchers, from several departments of FEUP (Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering Management, and Informatics Engineering).

Honorary Chairs

Adiel Teixeira de Almeida (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Fatima Dargam (SimTech-Reach Consulting, Austria)

Conference Chairs

Sérgio Pedro Duarte (CITTA, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Pascale Zarate (University Toulouse Capitole-IRIT, France)

Programme Chairs

António Lobo (CITTA – Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Boris Delibasic (University of Belgrad, Serbia)
Tomasz Wachowicz (University of Economics in Katowice, Poland)

Organizing Committee

Carlos Rodrigues (CITTA – Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Marta Campos Ferreira (INESC TEC – Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Sara Ferreira (CITTA – Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Telmo Botelho (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)

Programme Committee

The program committee will be composed by the program committees from both GDN and EWG-DSS groups, plus local committee members:
José Pedro Tavares (CITTA – Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Rosaldo Rossetti (LIACC – Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Teresa Galvão Dias (INESC TEC – Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
Thiago Sobral (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)

GDN and EWG-DSS programme committee members:
Abdelkader Adla
Alexis Tsoukias
Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa
Antonio De Nicola
Ben C. K. Ngan
Carolina Lino Martins
Danielle Costa Morais
Ewa Roszkowska
Fátima Dargam
François Pinet
Fuad Aleskerov
GJ de Vreede
Haiyan Xu
Hannu Nurmi
Jason Papathanasiou
John Zeleznikow
José María Moreno-Jiménez
Konstantinos Vergidis
Liping Fang
Luis Dias
Mareike Schoop
María Teresa Escobar
Masahide Horita
Michael Filzmoser
Muhammed-Fatih Kaya
Nikolaos Matsatsinis
Pavlos Delias
Przemyslaw Szufel
Rudolf Vetschera
Sandro Radovanovic
Sean Eom
Shawaei David He
ShiKui Wu
Tomasz Szapiro
Tung X. Bui

Associations and Organizations

Organizing Institutions

