The generative AI hype, with all its glare, is overshadowing advanced analytics, which is a more straightforward approach to delivering value to businesses by improving decision-making (e.g., pricing, assortment, or distribution decisions). In this presentation, we’ll discuss how companies should refocus on improving decision-making using advanced analytics, such as predictive and prescriptive approaches, while acknowledging the extra effectiveness and efficiency that generative AI may deliver to this endeavor. This path requires us to go beyond buzzwords and understand the technical complementariness of the different technologies.

Pedro Amorim is a seasoned professional bridging the realms of academia and analytics. Holding a Certified Analytics Professional and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management, he boasts over a decade of hands-on experience leading analytics projects. Pedro is a Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and Porto Business School, and he is a Co-founder and partner at LTPlabs. His multifaceted expertise underscores his commitment to advancing the field, both through practical applications and academic mentorship.

Supporting Advanced Analytics Practice with Gen AI

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